Gemini Season Tarot Spread
The Sun moved into fast-paced Gemini on May 20, 2021. And we at Apollo Tarot prepared the perfect tarot spread for you to make the most of this Gemini season.
About our Gemini Season Tarot Spread:
When the Sun is in joyful Gemini, we’re a bit more restless than usual. Now is an excellent time for writing, calling friends, taking courses, or short trips (please check local restrictions and be safe 😉).
We may suddenly find ourselves in the mood for conversation and socializing. Gemini Season is when you’ll find the best shortcuts and when you’ll need to take them, too. Watch for a tendency to become a bit dispersed under this fun, mercurial Sun.
This Gemini Season, look for your place in the world.
Gemini is a brainy sign and loves to absorb as much knowledge as possible. Reading, speaking, writing, learning, and teaching are all favored activities under the Sun in Gemini.
Take advantage of this Sun’s transit through Gemini by empowering yourself to expand your knowledge and understand your place in the world.
Gemini Season Tarot Spread: Enjoy yourself while expanding your mind.
So, are you ready to make the most of this Gemini Season? Shuffle your favorite tarot deck, take a couple of deep breaths, and ask yourself the following questions:
- How can I improve my communication skills?
- How can I be more adaptable to different situations in life?
- What should I know about my place in the world?
Extra activity for this Gemini season:
You may want to meditate on the Lovers Tarot Card as an extra activity, as this Major Arcana corresponds to Gemini in Astrology.
The Tarot was linked with Astrology first through Aleister Crowley’s works (authored the Thoth deck) and Arthur Edward Waite (of the Rider-Waite deck).
How do you think the Lovers Tarot Card links to Gemini energy? Please share your thoughts in the comments below.
Share your Gemini Season Tarot Spread with us!
Please share your answers with me on any of our social media channels using the hashtag #apollotarot. Or leave your thoughts here in the comments. I’d love to see them!
By the way, Eclipse Season 2021 is coming! See you the following May 26, in the Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius!
Meanwhile, grab your Tarot Card Phone Case here.